Saturday, June 5, 2010

Celebrity Homes is on Facebook!

Everybody is searching around on the internet for information these days.  That's why when I'm not in front of people helping them pick just the right home I'm adding content about Gary Price or Celebrity Homes to the great big web (and so should you!)  I don't care what business you're in, you are probably in the business of helping someone get something.  If you're a teacher, you help someone get an education.  If you are a police officer, you're helping someone get security or safety.  And I could go on.

The bottom line is most people search around the internet before they make a decision about anything these days so why not be "out there"?  If you're moving, you want information about a school or information about security.  Well, guess what?  There's web sites out there for just those things.  Hmmm, me thinks there's another topic for a future blog (schools).

One of the more popular networking avenues is Facebook.  Celebrity Homes/Gary Price has a presence on Facebook as well as many other social networking sites and so should you!  Some of the other networking sites I endorse are LinkedIn, Myspace, and, of course, Twitter. 

By putting information out on Al Gore's internet (just a little joke there) you are inadvertantly helping people make an informed decision to take an action.  You hope they move into your area because they like the school system or they move into your area because they feel safe.  Either way, you have provided valuable information to the public so they can make the right decision for their family.  In future blogs I'll be adding videos that tell a story about Celebrity Homes in Omaha, Nebraska.  A story that started over 30 years ago and a story that I've been a part of for over 10 years.  So, we'll see you next time!

Gary Price
(402) 630-8500

1 comment:

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